
Biomarkers of Atherosclerosis: Is the Evaluation Essential Preoperatively?

Biomarkers of Atherosclerosis: Is the Evaluation Essential Preoperatively?



Minati Choudhury1* and V Devagourou2


1Department of Cardiac Anesthesia, Cardiothoracic Sciences Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi, India

2Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiothoracic Sciences Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi, India



Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory condition leading to various cardiovascular as well as cerebrovascular events and peripheral vascular disease (PVD). Presence of significant atherosclerosis leads to perioperative adverse events, morbidity and mortality in the high risk surgical population. The usual methods for evaluating the like hood of adverse cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events postoperatively in these set of patients depends primarily on scoring system and functional status of the cardiovascular system during preoperative assessment. The pre-existing disease activity and possible postoperative adverse cardiovascular event (CVE) can be estimated to some degree from the preoperative levels of biomarkers associated with atherosclerosis.


This mini-review summarizes the potential role of biomarkers related to the atherosclerosis process in the cardiovascular risk stratification of patients undergoing non cardiac surgery. A Med Line search of literature on atherosclerosis biomarkers in the perioperative period and adverse post-operative cardiovascular event was conducted; and thirty-three reports are added to this review.




Atherosclerosis; Perioperative period; Biomarkers


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