
One egg per day is good for your heart

One egg per day is good for your heart

Eating about an egg a day is related to a lower risk of heart disease compared with not eating eggs, Chinese researchers found.

In fact, participants who ate up to one egg daily had a 26% lower risk of hemorrhagic stroke, which is more common in China than in the United States or other high-income countries. Additionally, the egg eaters had a 28% lower risk of dying from this type of stroke.
Egg eaters also enjoyed a 12% reduced risk of ischemic heart disease, which is diagnosed in those who show the early signs of gridlocked blood flow to the brain, CNN reports.


The study

The study analyses the health of more than 400 000 adults ranging in age from 30 to 79 in China.

The research team used information from an ongoing study of half a million adults living in 10 regions of China. They concentrated on 416,213 participants who'd never been diagnosed with cancer, cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Slightly more than 13% of these adults said they ate about an egg a day while just over 9% reported never or very rarely enjoying an egg. Nearly all the participants ate chicken, not duck, eggs, explained Canqing Yu, a co-author of the study and an associate professor in the Peking University School of Public Health in Beijing.

Read the whole research HERE

