
Adolescents develop their own way for topical treatment of dermatitis

The results are from a new qualitative study in the Netherlands

Adolescents prefer a faster and more persistent effect when being treated for atopic dermatitis, a new qualitative study in the Netherlands shows.


Usually young people develop their own way of using topical treatment for atopic dermatitis. That’s why doctors should devote special attention to such patients with atopic dermatitis to ensure proper use, the research team comments.


The qualitative study was lead by Richelle C. Kosse, MSc1Marcel L. Bouvy, PhD, PharmD1Maud Daanen, BSc1; et al.


Three focus groups including 15 adolescents (8 male) with a mean age of 15.3 (range, 12-18) years were conducted. They collected at least 1 prescription for topical corticosteroids in class 2 (moderately potent) or 3 (potent) in the preceding year.


Most adolescents had little contact with their physicians and did not completely adhere to the prescribed medication regimen, so they developed their own routine of using topical corticosteroids in combination with emollients and moisturizersq the results show.


Read the Abstract of the study

